The Little People.

bear on table Some people get a little huffy when the ring bearer picks his nose at the altar or the flower girl runs away screaming. To these people, I say, “This is why we have children in weddings.” I look forward to nose pickings and stage fright (it’s a lot of pressure to toss the right amount of flower petals with every step!) and yelling for mommy; they are the comic relief and sometimes the star of the show! So this blog post is dedicated to them. The oh-so-short cuties that make these days even more memorable (and adorable).

They always make the dance party more memorable!
Melissa Ricky-8607
“I’m in love, I’m in love, and I don’t care who knows it!”
Getting Ready-8089
4 words: eyes, cheeks, headband. YUM.
Melissa Ricky-2991
Not only will I not smile for you, I will always be facing the wrong way.
I mean… come ON. The precious meter is off the charts.
Member of the FHA: Future Heartbreakers of America.

Getting Ready-55

Look out, ladies.

sweet kiddos selah

I pulled a twofer this weekend, a first time for me. Two weddings, one weekend. I stood in my best friend’s wedding in Tennessee (well she let…
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But seriously. You’ve been there. And that’s really all I have to say about that. EXCEPT to confess that pickles and coconut still elicit this kind of…
Oh, the freedom. The freedom of uninhibited childhood that allows us to wear tutus and let our bellies out and lick every last drop of funnel cake…