Telling Stories : a guest blog by Beth of Oak and Oats

It all started the day I got engaged. Or maybe it started way before that – when I was a little girl in love with the photo albums that filled the bookshelf in our living room. I wanted to see all the pictures, take all the pictures, and be in all the pictures. There is something so magical about a photograph – it freezes a moment in time to remember forever. Those books were filled with memories of my childhood and the history of those before me.

So that love of the magic of a photo took me to the day I got engaged and the first thing I did as a bride-to-be was book the wedding photographer. I tell everyone that they are worth every penny, because a great photographer can make any wedding look beautiful regardless of the wedding budget and the memories you’ll have in books and covering your walls from that day will be treasure troves for your grandchildren.

I got married in 2012 and Allison was our wedding photographer. Thanks to her I have a trove of wedding photos for my kids.

In the years since then,  I started a online small business in the form of a Lifestyle Blog. When I first started blogging the only photos of me were the ones that I uploaded in each post (if I even was in any of them.) It wasn’t long before I googled html to figure out how I could get a sidebar with a photo like all of the other blogs that I enjoyed reading. You see, there is something about a person behind a blog and a face to go with a name.

When I rebranded, I knew I needed much more than just a sidebar photo – I needed general stock images for my brand that could go on my pages (about, sponsor, contact, shop, etc.) and would create brand consistency across my social medias. So I did one of the best things you can do for your brand and I scheduled a photo shoot with a local photographer.

Allison was that photographer.

Working with Allison is pretty much like spending an hour with your creative best friend and doing things you never thought of for the sake of a good picture. She has a way of capturing your story in the moment and helping you communicate that message to others – and in my case, my readers. When I was taking pictures with Allison, she kept thinking of fun ideas (like laying on the ground with pencils 😉 ) that would help me share with my Oak + Oats readers who I am – a crazy girl that blogs with a passion to encourage & inspire those around her.

Even if you are a photographer yourself (like I would consider myself since I take all my blog content photography,) it is great to get out of your head and have someone else direct you and figure out your story!

Allison of Stellar Propeller Studio is a story teller. She is the talent behind my brand photos and my wedding photos. She is also completely adorable and relatable. So whether it be wedding photos or photos for your brand, Allison will put you at ease and share your story so you can shine the brightest!

Best investment for my wedding. Best investment in my business. Photography will always be worth it because stories will always matter!

About the Author: Hello! I’m Elizabeth – an ENFJ,  wife to Bruce, Jesus follower, dreamer, artist, encourager, champion of dreams, and the owner of Oak + Oats. I live in the beautiful Colorado Rocky Mountains and I’m passionate about community, living abundantly, and living a creative lifestyle. Let’s Connect – BLOG, INSTAGRAM, TWITTER

Beth, lifestyle shoot. 2015. Fifty Fifty Coffeehouse.
Beth, lifestyle shoot. 2015. Fifty Fifty Coffeehouse.
Beth, lifestyle shoot. 2015. Fifty Fifty Coffeehouse.
Beth, lifestyle shoot. 2015. Fifty Fifty Coffeehouse.
Beth, lifestyle shoot. 2015. Fifty Fifty Coffeehouse.
Beth, lifestyle shoot. 2015. Fifty Fifty Coffeehouse.
Beth, lifestyle shoot. 2015. Fifty Fifty Coffeehouse.
Beth, lifestyle shoot. 2015. Fifty Fifty Coffeehouse.
Beth, lifestyle shoot. 2015. Fifty Fifty Coffeehouse.
Beth, lifestyle shoot. 2015. Fifty Fifty Coffeehouse.
Beth, lifestyle shoot. 2015. Fifty Fifty Coffeehouse.
Beth, lifestyle shoot. 2015. Fifty Fifty Coffeehouse.
Beth & Bruce at Casey's Barn, Woodland Park. 2012.
Beth & Bruce at Casey’s Barn, Woodland Park. 2012.
Beth and the girls. Casey's Barn, Woodland Park.
Beth and the girls. Casey’s Barn, Woodland Park. High noon sun is a tricky thing…
Beth & Bruce at Casey's Barn, Woodland Park. 2012.
Beth & Bruce at Casey’s Barn, Woodland Park. 2012.
Beth & Bruce at Casey's Barn, Woodland Park. 2012.
Beth & Bruce at Casey’s Barn, Woodland Park. 2012.
Beth Mayberry-134
Beth, lifestyle shoot. 2015.
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