Sisterhood of the Traveling Weddings

I pulled a twofer this weekend, a first time for me. Two weddings, one weekend. I stood in my best friend’s wedding in Tennessee (well she let us sit, actually, which was awesome) on Saturday evening, and then photographed my cousin’s wedding near Atlanta the very next day! Thank God for adrenaline and dancing 🙂

My best friend, Shea, has 2 sisters and my cousin, Tiffany, has 3. I couldn’t help but notice how special the bond was between all of these beautiful women and how much more meaning their sisterhood seemed to bring to the BIG day. So many girls! So much emotion!   🙂

These are some snapshots I loved: Shea, Sara, and Lindsey and their sister slumber party the night before. The 3 of them trotting around wedding morning in their matching monogrammed oxfords. Shea giving her sisters their wedding gift out on the porch swing and crying together (a ring with 3 small bands all connected). Then laughing at themselves crying.  All of us eavesdroppers copying them and doing the same!  The way they can be serious and look like super models and then turn around and be totally goofy and ridiculous together, whether it’s acting out the Elephant Love Medley from Moulin Rouge or reading Shea’s journal in their wedding toast to everyone…

And then there’s Tiffany and her funky bunch of sisters. They have all been through so much together and it’s so evident. When it comes to being there for each other, there is no question. No one’s going anywhere and everyone has everyone else’s back. And when they’re upset with each other, it doesn’t last … even if it was one of your sisters that forgot to bring the wedding ring to the ceremony for you to put on your groom!

The specialness of the sisterhood was just something that lingered in my mind throughout the weekend and into the rest of this week. I’ve had the privilege of knowing all of these people for many years, and I know their bond hasn’t always been like this. When you’re younger, things like borrowed clothes and messy bathrooms can keep you from realizing how much you really enjoy and care about a person. Maybe that’s why it was all so special to me – to see the growth and beauty that comes with age, to see how much we learn to care about things that matter as time goes on. I hope I will do the same. And I wish I’d grown up with sisters like that!

L: Farm of wedding festivities // Middle: Shea giving sister gifts // R: sisters giving toast {all taken with iPhone 4s}
Sisters and Monogramming… like Peanut Butter and Jelly.
Tiffany + Sisters
Love this one of the funky bunch.

“Oops… Sorry about that ring thing…”

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