[Pic of the Week] : When All Is Said & Done.



I, like the seasons changeThis pic of the week is a shameless promotion for my new art show here in Colorado Springs with Daniel Cruz called When All Is Said and Done. Daniel is a poet, so we took turns making artwork/poems about each other’s work. I made 6 new pieces of artwork based on some poems of his, and he wrote 8 new poems based on pieces of my previous artwork. It has been so much fun, but also scary and excruciating (as most artmaking is). I hadn’t realized how fearful I had become in getting my hands dirty and putting marks on a page that I couldn’t delete or undo! Photography is so safe that way, and I had forgotten. This piece of above is based on this poem of Daniel’s:


Screenshot 2014-07-25 15.28.58If you happen to be near Colorado Springs this eve, stop on by Kreuser Gallery at 218 W Colorado Ave and join us for the closing party. You won’t be sorry 🙂


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