[Pic of the Week] : We all need kindness.

Monday night, I photographed a banquet for Bonfils Blood Center, where they honored the people in Southern Colorado who are major blood donors. Some of these people give up to 68 GALLONS a year! Blew my mind… and also made me wanna faint (cause I have issues) 🙂

I shared a little moment from that evening on my Facebook page:

“Tonight I was reminded how important it is to tell people the kind things we think about them. I snapped a few photos of this older woman tonight at a banquet for Bonfils Blood Center, and I felt strongly that I should tell the woman why I took so many photos of her. I stopped her later and said “You have the most amazing smile” (because she did). Her response surprised me- “I can’t tell you how much it means to hear that today. I have lost a lot of weight due to a condition and just had a friend tell me yesterday that she thinks my teeth and mouth are too big for my face now, so it’s really meaningful to hear that.” I hardly ever take time to tell people why I take their photo, but I think I might make more of a habit of it.”

The comments and likes poured in over that, and several people have asked to see this woman! So, for Pic of the Week, I thought I would share the smile that prompted me to tell a perfect stranger how lovely it was. A little kindness goes a long way. What if we told people the nice things we thought about them as often as possible?

Bonfils SOCO-53
Million dollar smile 🙂
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