Photography Tip: How to Enhance your Travel Photography

I love to travel.  One of my favorite things about traveling is the people-the people that come along and the people I meet.

That said, today’s Photography Tip is:

Be friendly when you travel; it will enrich your photos (and quite possibly your life).

how to enhance your travel photography
(picture captured in Venice)

That’s right. Meet the street performers, listen to people’s stories, interact with the locals. . .unless you’re under the age of 16, I guess. Safety first. I think you might discover how fascinating people are by spending five minutes with them. Those five minutes could possibly change your whole outlook on life.

Be friendly when you travel
Be friendly when you travel.
(Picture captured in San Francisco)
Photography Tip, meet the locals
Meet the street performers, listen to people’s stories, interact with the locals
(Picture captured in San Francisco)

Not only will your life possibly be enriched, but any photo you take in that moment will suddenly become increasingly memorable and more significant.

I still remember trying to communicate with this woman on a train in Spain (she only spoke Spanish and I’d only had 2 years of it in high school) and somehow we got to talking about American Beauty. Our conversation came to the word “rojo.” The use of red was so powerful and metaphoric in that film, and all of a sudden in that moment, with us both saying “rojo” we were transported in our minds to how beautiful it was in the film and made this amazing connection that seemed to transcend language. It’s been almost 10 years since that happened and I’ll never forget it.

Photography tip be friendly when you travel
It’s been almost 10 years since that happened and I’ll never forget it.

So take a little risk, be friendly, and enrich those photographic memories.

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