Kleenex, Anyone?

I stopped crying at weddings a while back… I think. I could be wrong, though, because if crying was an Olympic sport, let’s just say I would bring great honor to my country!  All I know is that when sweet Ally stepped out of that limo in her beautiful dress with her beautiful self, there was no stopping it. I had to cry all over myself. And I wasn’t the only one! Her Dad, who’s kept it all “together” during wedding planning, rehearsals, and everything, finally broke down in the middle of the ceremony … which only made it harder for everyone else to keep composure! This wedding, like many, is bittersweet. Everything about Ally & Greg is lovely and perfect, except that they moved to Georgia the next day and will be moving to MN after that. Where is the justice? 🙂  They are truly an incredible couple, though, with hearts to live their lives for something bigger than themselves and a desire to do that as a team. Pretty rare for a couple of 20-year-olds! We raise our glasses to them, though…  glasses of sparkling apple cider, of course  🙂

[ally + greg, i love you!

Daddy’s last embrace of his baby girl before giving her away
This was one of the MOST fun wedding parties of all time.
2 Generations of looooove.
Love ALL these girls! Didn’t even have to tell them jokes for this!
I had to squeeze in a picture with my surrogate sisters 🙂


I read this recently, “The more a daughter knows the details of her mother’s life… the stronger the daughter.” It’s from a book by Anita Diamant that…
Senior photo shoots remain one of my favorite things to do, and this session with Sarah just reminded me why. First of all, high schoolers are just…
One of my favorite things is a repeat photo shoot. By that I don’t mean a shoot that I have to do-over due to weather or anything…
These days photographers are popping up everywhere.  If you’re in the market for an important shoot, like let’s say a wedding, there is a ton to think…
The variety that comes with this job is pretty unbelievable. I wouldn’t trade it for anything. This week alone, I herded preschoolers around a playground, arranged paragliding…
Max and Katie are a treat to be around. This photo shoot was one of my longest and most fun (!) ones to date. We had a…