One of my favorite things is a repeat photo shoot. By that I don’t mean a shoot that I have to do-over due to weather or anything else (don’t love those!), but instead I mean shoots that I get to do year after year, season after season. I love photographing the Manitou Springs High School cheerleaders! I love ’em. All that energy, all those smiles and pep, and all that TALENT. And by talent, I mean that my girls are COLORADO STATE CHAMPIONS for cheerleading, and I’m proud to say I’m their official photographer 🙂 In fact, I get to do their state champion photo shoot this week, and I’m a) honored b) so pumped ’cause these girls are so fun and work so hard and c) ecstatic because I’m gonna have one of my photos blown up HUGE on the gym wall at MSHS! Everyone wins… but a special shout-out to my Mustang Cheerleading squad for making it all the way to the top. 5-6-7-8!

Love the hair in this one 🙂
I’m excited to announce that Stellar Propeller Studio has received a BEST of Award for 2013 in the area of Wedding Photography in the Colorado Springs…
Thanks to a weekend ski trip to Crested Butte and catching a weird edge in Paradise Bowl, my ACL and meniscus are torn, along with some sprains…
Let me tell you something about my best friends in the world, dear reader. They are FUNny. I’m talking clever, I’m talking witty, I’m talking inappropriate in…
This photograph is called “and as the strangers stood ’round the tree, it came back to life”  {a dream i once had} It was completely birthed in my…
The fact that we were able to do this photo shoot is basically a miracle. It was scheduled during the week of what would become the worst…
I can’t guarantee this will be my last post about Iceland, but I am trying to refrain. I had a spare moment today, though, to relive one…