A day on Skaftafell Glacier.

I can’t guarantee this will be my last post about Iceland, but I am trying to refrain. I had a spare moment today, though, to relive one of mine and Jenny’s favorite moments from our week over there: the Skaftafell Glacier hike.

I booked online a few weeks ahead of time (recommended, especially in warmer months) with Glacier Guides, and they were awesome! The provide a lot of the gear you need (crampons, harness, and the like), and you can rent other things from them that you may not have (waterproof pants, boots, jacket, etc.). The whole process was nice and easy, and our guide Magnús was knowledgeable and entertaining. He is an avid skier, so we geeked out on that for a while, too.

The photos pretty much speak for themselves, from the school bus ride over (they bought the school buses from the USA because they don’t use such things in Iceland!) to the gearing up, to the hike in and out. We did a half day hike, which I believe was about 5 hours. All my water spilled out of my bottle on the bus ride over, but not to worry– you can drink agua straight from the glacier runoff!

One last fun fact– this glacier we hiked was used in the film Interstellar. If you’ve seen it and remember that Matt Damon’s character is on a planet by himself, this is what they filmed as his planet! So fun. Alright, well enough verbiage. Here’s some photo goodies.

Our carriage!


Gearing up.
You can see the magnitude of it by checking out how small that little group of people look.
Jenny doing a viking pushup (like a BOSS) and drinking some of that tasty glacier water.


Our group was so fun! Some kids from New York and a group of fun Belgians 🙂
This kid from NY told me he was interested in becoming a professional photographer, and we had a good time talking about what that looks like as we went. I let him borrow my prism to play around. Turns out this would be the ONLY time I used that thing the entire month I was gone!
Our fearless leader, Magnús.
Love this chick. I’d travel with her anywhere.
This girl was afraid of heights, so she’s truly a champ!
What the ground looks like on the way into the glacier. So lovely.
This is about as high up as we went.
What the glacier looks like from the road. It’s so different to see something from afar and up close… no person or thing ever really looks the same in both lights.
That beautiful ground.

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