Fishin’ and Horsin’ Around

Max and Katie are a treat to be around. This photo shoot was one of my longest and most fun (!) ones to date. We had a rocky start and, sadly, some broken fishing gear, but once we got in the groove it was no holds barred! Max is probably one of the most fun guys I’ve ever photographed, always full of pose ideas and always “on.” (“Katie, let’s do a pounce face!”) They can laugh and snuggle with the best of them, but one thing you may not be able to tell just by the photos is that this couple will probably help change the world. They have some of the most beautiful hearts and one of the most beautiful relationships I know.

*Sidenote: they’re not kissing til they say “I do,” so we had a lot of fun dancing towards the line this day 🙂 There were a few times where I thought, “This is gonna happen right now! Right here on my camera!” But alas, they held strong.

This was my first photo shoot up at Eagle Lake Camp, which is very near and dear to my heart. The lake was frozen over… as were our faces, by the end of this shoot, but it was SO FUN! Max and Katie were such great sports, willing to take risks (the lake started to make cracking sounds while we were standing on it at one point, but they stayed and let me shoot!), and so ready to laugh and love on each other. I’m so excited to shoot their wedding in May!

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