Double Trouble

Well, actually it was less like double trouble and more like a doublemint gum commercial. You know, double your fun?  Taking senior pictures with 2 best friends is something I would like to do more of! These 2 crazy, beautiful, spontaneous, loving, unique, and FUN girls are very dear to my heart. I met them both before they were going into 9th grade, so it’s hard to believe they’re already about to graduate and move on to bigger and better things! I loved getting to photograph them together on this shoot because they have this wild, untamed energy around each other (which isn’t great for trying to get “serious” photos!) that made it possible to bring out all kinds of personality in the shoot. I hope I get to do more Doublemint shoots in the future, because it was a blast. And just look at them?! Aren’t they beautiful?? I’m going to have to bring a box of tissues to this graduation…

I pulled a twofer this weekend, a first time for me. Two weddings, one weekend. I stood in my best friend’s wedding in Tennessee (well she let…
Pic of the week comes straight from Venice, Italy….
It’s as cold as the dickens today, and I don’t have much to say about it except that it makes me thankful for indoor rock climbing. But…
I love a good engagement. It’s a privilege to capture such sweet moments before a couple walks down the aisle. I have compiled my top 12 favorite…
I just passed through a wonderful town called Crested Butte yesterday on the way home from Grand Junction. Crested Butte is a magical land in all seasons,…
The variety that comes with this job is pretty unbelievable. I wouldn’t trade it for anything. This week alone, I herded preschoolers around a playground, arranged paragliding…