Dareece Walker [pic of the week]

Every now and again, you walk into an art gallery and are blown away by the skill, creativity, and uniqueness of someone’s artistic expression. Those moments when you see something you feel like you’ve never quite seen before are few and far between, and that’s exactly what makes them special. I love the way Nicole Krauss puts it in The History of Love: “From time to time, when a piece of music no one has ever written, or a painting no one has ever painted, or something else impossible to predict, fathom, or yet describe takes place, a new feeling enters the world. And then, for the millionth time in the history of feeling, the heart surges and absorbs the impact.” 

One particular time stands out to me – seeing Darren Waterston for the first time at the Frist Center in Nashville, TN. Thankfully my best friend and fellow art major was there with me, too, so we could squeal with each other in amazement together (cause good art is always more fun with a good friend–”Did you see how RED that red paint was? It leapt off the wall at me!”) Walking into the S.P.Q.R. gallery last Friday was an experience in this category. Dareece Walker is a recent graduate at UCCS here in Colorado Springs and will soon be moving to New York City, but I am so grateful to have happened into the gallery that night to see his work. It is both smart and beautiful, painful and healing, and if you want to see it just stop by the S.P.Q.R. – you won’t be sorry. This photo is of Dareece standing in front of one of his paintings, and I love that even his sport coat is a work of art.


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