[Pic of the Week] : the Butte is definitely wild.

I just passed through a wonderful town called Crested Butte yesterday on the way home from Grand Junction. Crested Butte is a magical land in all seasons, as it’s become quite the destination ski town, but summer is an especially AMAZING time to be there. Why?  Well, I’m glad you asked. This weekend is the Wildflower Festival, and if that seems like a funny reason to have a festival, then let me just tell you– it’s like nature is throwing a party out there. And it has pulled out all the bells and whistles 🙂 Greens, purples, yellows, blues, reds… field and fields of amazing flowers with those glorious peaks in the background!

The first time I went to Crested Butte was to photograph a wedding, and it happened to be the week after the festival (which means nature was still hungover from its party, in a good way). It blew. My. Mind. I swear my second shooter had to remind me to keep breathing because it was all so beautiful I kept forgetting to! So, in honor of the Wildflower Festival weekend and this wonderful couple’s upcoming anniversary, I give you… Pic of the Week. Enjoy. And visit CB in the near future   🙂  Happy Friday, y’all!

Christian & Olivia : Crested Butte, Colorado.
Christian and Olivia : Crested Butte, Colorado.
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