[Pic of the Week] : We’ve all been there.

But seriously. You’ve been there. And that’s really all I have to say about that. EXCEPT to confess that pickles and coconut still elicit this kind of response from me. How about you? Happy Friday, y’all 🙂  Eat something that makes you happy.

Words fail me often. There are so many experiences in life that are just beyond explanation because of their magnitude and meaning to me that I can…
I have been back in Clarksville, Tennessee this week, where I attended college and received my BFA. (For those of you I didn’t get in touch with,…
I just passed through a wonderful town called Crested Butte yesterday on the way home from Grand Junction. Crested Butte is a magical land in all seasons,…
I sat next to a woman on my flight to New York City a few weeks ago who was heading up there to see the Allman Brothers…
One of my favorite things is a repeat photo shoot. By that I don’t mean a shoot that I have to do-over due to weather or anything…
I read this recently, “The more a daughter knows the details of her mother’s life… the stronger the daughter.” It’s from a book by Anita Diamant that…