Pic of the Week [Happy Friday, Baby]

Happy Friday, Baby.

Go Explore Something!

Happy Friday, Baby.
Happy Friday, Baby.
My dear friend Molly told me recently that there are 4 stages of happiness. She told this to me over the phone just before I boarded a…
Let me tell you something about my best friends in the world, dear reader. They are FUNny. I’m talking clever, I’m talking witty, I’m talking inappropriate in…
In 2002, I took my first photography class at Austin Peay State University. Thankfully, my teacher gave us an assignment to take a field trip to the…
So you want to get married in the winter? In the bleak, cold months of the year with no leaves and no warmth and no birds chirping…
The variety that comes with this job is pretty unbelievable. I wouldn’t trade it for anything. This week alone, I herded preschoolers around a playground, arranged paragliding…
I was so pumped to shoot this wedding, and for so many reasons. One, Seth has been a dear friend of mine for a long time now,…